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Graduate and PhD teaching

Since 2016, I am program coordinator for the largest MSc program of the Faculty of Social Sciences  at VU Amsterdam (+/- 180 students each year). In 2015 I successfully completed the course leading to the certificate “Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs”. Since 2008 I teach in the Master’s and Bachelor’s programs of the department of Organization Science, VU University Amsterdam. I am regularly invited as a guest speaker for other courses, both Dutch and English. My personal teaching evaluations are typically above average (>4.0).


2012- present                    Master’s course “Strategisch Organiseren” (Organizing Strategically) in Dutch.

2014                               Bachelor’s course “Bachelorlint” in Dutch.

2010                               Master’s course “Methodologie van Organisatieonderzoek” (Methodology of organizational research) in Dutch.

2008 – present                  (Co-)supervision Master theses.

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